
Commentary on death of lazarus
Commentary on death of lazarus

The third class condition denotes the condition as “uncertain of fulfillment, but still likely – it portrays what is “likely to occur in the future, what could possibly occur.” In this context, it is clear that Jesus is giving a hypothetical situation to illustrate his point, “If someone walks around in the day.” Περιπατῇ, verb, present, active, subjunctive, third person, singular, with ἐάν an adverbial, conditional conjunction making this a third class conditional sentence being that it is ἐάν with a subjective mood verb. Λιθάσαι, verb, aorist, active, infinitive serving as a complementary infinitive of ἐζήτουν, completing the thought of the “seeking” of the Jews, mainly they were seeking to stone Jesus. Ἄγωμεν, verb, present, active, subjunctive, first person, plural, an hortatory subjunctive, used here (in the first person plural) to exhort oneself and ones associates. Ἔπειτα, adverb, “a marker for a sequence of time or events.” Moving the narrative alone, giving specific emphasis to time, and the order in which these events occurred. This conjunction indicates the “goal or aim of an action.” The sickness will therefore result not only in glory to God, but in the end, that the Son might be given glory through it. Δοξασθῇ, verb, aorist, passive, subjunctive, third person, singular with ἵνα purpose clause. Ἀσθενεῖ, verb, present, active, indicative, third person, singular, a progressive present, describing action in progress, “at this present time is sick,” especially used in narrative.

commentary on death of lazarus

Ταῖς θριξὶν, dative, plural, feminine noun, an instrumental dative, describing with what Mary wiped dry the feet of the master, with her hair. Ἐκμάξασα, aorist, active, participle, singular, nominative, feminine in apposition to Μαριὰμ. Μύρῳ, noun, dative, singular, neuter, an instrumental dative, describing that which Mary anointed the master with, mainly perfume. Ἡ ἀλείψασα, aorist, active, participle, singular, nominative, feminine in apposition to Μαριὰμ. αὐτῆς, pronoun, personal, third person, genitive, singular, feminine, a genitive of relationship, explaining that Martha is Mary’s sister. Τῆς ἀδελφῆς, genitive, singular, feminine, a genitive of apposition to Μάρθας. Μαρίας καὶ Μάρθας, both nouns are connected by a coordinating conjunction ( καὶ), and both are genitive singular feminine proper names, in a genitive of description relationship with τῆς κώμης. Λάζαρος, nominative singular masculine used as a proper name and nominative of apposition to τις ἀσθενῶν therefore modifying the translation of τις to be “a certain one” rather than “someone” The focus of this section will not be on exposition but will rather focus on a discussion about each of the elements which are exegetically significant as well as word studies, and any historical background that will add to the understanding of the text. This section will analyze some key features of the syntactical, lexical, context, and background elements of John 11:1-46 so as to properly identify each element and explain the exegetical importance of each element in preparation for preaching the text. I spent time in prayer, entreating the Lord to give me insight into the passage and that the Lord would make my heart ready to hear the teaching of this text and apply it to my own walk with the Lord. Did Mary Have More Children After Jesus?.Greek Word Study of πιστεύω (pisteuo, believe).Quotes from Toward an Exegetical Theology.Quotes from Rediscovering Expository Preaching.What is meant in Matthew 16:18, “upon this rock I will build my church.Clothes and the Fallacy of Apostolic Tradition in the Eastern Orthodox Church.Greek Word Study of ἀγαπάω (agape, agapeo, love).

commentary on death of lazarus

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commentary on death of lazarus commentary on death of lazarus

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Commentary on death of lazarus